by purujit dasa
sex is completely healthy, natural and a pleasureable thing. the pleasure one derives from sex life is not sinful, neither evil, neither one should be ashamed of it. the present materialistic so-called civilization however does not support such vision of sex life. for the most of the people, sex is something intimidating, a weakness, something that is ugly, shameful and to make fun of. sex is therefore being supressed by condoms, pills and abortions. just like atomic bomb, nuclear factories or plastic cups, contraceptives are yet another example of how the demoniac are not happy to accept things as they are, but triggered by a God wannabe fantasy feel an urgent need to so-called improve what is already perfect.
oḿ pūrṇam adaḥ pūrṇam idaḿ
pūrṇāt pūrṇam udacyate
pūrṇasya pūrṇam ādāya
pūrṇam evāvaśiṣyate
The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete. And because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped -as a complete whole. Whatever is produced of the complete whole is also complete by itself. And because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance.
(Sri Isopanisad invocation)
Krsna, or The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Whole, is everything. The very fact that the word "everything" exists is the proof of Krsna's existence. Otherwise where would it come from? You cannot have everything coming from nothing. That just doesnt make any sense. And because Krsna is everything, there's nothing truly evil. There's nothing really to destroy, annihilate, erase, kick out, cross out, delete or not to think of in the Absolute. There's no opposite. There's no Satan. Such conceptions are nothing but evidence of our imperfect understanding of God's unlimited nature. And that is the Satan we should fight with.
Although many so-called religionists have tried to demonize sex life, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, a.k.a. God, the Supreme creator Himself proclaims in His Bhagavad-gita: I am sex life (Bg.7.11). If God is sex, then demonization of sex is basically an effort to kill God under the disguise of being moral. As Sri Isopanisad states, because ultimately everything comes from God, everything has a relationship with Him and in that sense it is also God, so why should sex be an exception? No. We do not accept such whimsical condemnations. Sex life is as much creation of God as anything else.
If we look at sex life analytically, it has two functions: one is pleasure and the other begetting a child. If we accept that the begetting of a kiddie is the cause and the pleasurable part is the effect, Krsna defines such sex life as "practised according to the religious principles". To separate the two is not Krsna and reminds of a story of a farmer with a "half-hen logic". The farmer one day contemplated: "I like the bottom part of the hen, because it gives me nice eggs, but the upper part I do not like because I have to give it food. Let me therefore chop off the head of the hen and keep the bottom." The foolish farmer did not consider that without the head, the hen would die and ultimately he would have no eggs whatsoever. Similarly, by suppressing sex, even that little pleasure we can have in that way is completely killed by the paranoya of STD's, unwanted kids, abortions, adultery, etc. These are perhaps the signs of mother nature telling us: watch out, watch out my boy, you're doing something wrong. To suppress something is never a solution. Quite the opposite -it culminates and one day it will come out as an explosion and instead of eliminating a problem we usually make it even worse. Krsna condemns such nonsense when He says:
sadṛśaṁ ceṣṭate svasyāḥ
prakṛter jñānavān api
prakṛtiṁ yānti bhūtāni
nigrahaḥ kiṁ kariṣyati
Even a man of knowledge acts according to his own nature, for everyone follows his nature. What can repression accomplish?
Bg 3.33
As long as we're in the material body, we do have physical needs and sexual desire is one of them. Why then should we pretend we don't have it and make a show of a so-called detached person who is having sex whenever, wherever and however he wants? These desires are natural and there's nothing shameful about being controlled by them. Why be a pretender who, with contraceptives in hand, has an illusion of "having things under control"?
Without begetting a child, the so-called couple has no common platform to base the relationship on. It is simply a mutual ego boosting. One time I enjoy and you please me and then we switch. One time I am God and you are my devotee and then we switch. We never really care about one another. Our so-called love is simply a fakeness by which we are buying a ticket to have a God feeling. A man cheats his wife that he loves her by buying her nice jewels. A woman cheats her husband by making her insentient body beautiful by makeup's and allowing him to enjoy her. In this way, the whole society consists of cheaters and cheated.
Those who profit the most out of this madness are the big companies of nonsense, the manufacturers of so-called artificial necessities. The artificial necessities serve as props for cheaters to cheat one another about being loved and are completely unnecessary. When you think about it, what do you really need? Little food, some clothes, a place to lie down. A God-wannabe however needs to be worshipped and in order to get such worship, he has to worship other God-wannabe's with suitable paraphernalia and therefore the need for fancy cars, plastic surgeries, big houses, cool hairdo's, make ups and similar rubbish makes sense to him. The whole economy is based on this. Most of the jobs are based on this and the politicians are making wars in order to get oil in order to make more artificial necessities so the God wannabe's in their respective countries can keep on cheating one another.
The greatest enemy of the world is therefore an individual who decides to be sexually free. In other words, he is sick and tired of the conservative sex lifestyle either for begetting children or not and decides to exercise his sexual freedom.( in sanskrit brahmacarya). Sexual freedom is the greatest crime against the suppressed pretenders, because it not only makes one anxiety-free, but it also exposes the empty lives of unlimited cheating to one another. "This person is not cheating anyone, doesn't need anyone and anything and still he's happy?Wrrrrrrrr!" -the suppressed complain with a grudge. Out of envy, a malicious propaganda is being spread about the dangers of sexual freedom. Sexual freedom is portrayed as a perverted practice for weirdos, as something that is against nature and all efforts are made so that the rise of sexual freedom be nipped in a bud. If everyone becomes free, how will the society run? Such propaganda is very effectively implanted in the minds of the innocent from the early school years via co-education, teaching about the beauty of contraceptives, and mainly by exposing individuals to so-called culture(art, music, or films with a monotonous sexually based themes) and so on. Just as in Krsna consciousness, a devotee is trying to dovetail everything with Krsna, similarly a materialist(or an asura) is trying to dovetail everything with sex. In a pushy environment of sexual proselytisation, an individual is from early on given an idea that sexual freedom is just not part of a normal society. In fact, a regular Kali yuga person does not even know what it means and some doubt that such freedom truly exists.
Sexual freedom does exist though and is doing just fine. No worries. It is surviving in the underground and chanting Hare Krsna. We therefore ask everyone not to suppress sex anymore, but quite the opposite, taste the forbidden fruit of sexual freedom.
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