Prabhupāda: Aśāś... It is not permanent. Bhūtvā bhūtvā pralīyate [Bg. 8.19]. It appears and disappears. So because nityo nityānām, there is transaction between the nitya, the Supreme Nitya, Kṛṣṇa, and the...
Dr. Patel: Cetanaś cetanānām.
Prabhupāda: And the subordinate nityas, the living entities. So there must be one place also where this transaction takes place. Because this is anitya. This material world is anitya. So how the transaction between the nitya and nityānām can take place? Because the place is anitya. Therefore there must be a place which is nitya. There must be place. That is Vaikuṇṭha dhāma, spiritual world.
Morning Walk -- March 31, 1974, Bombay
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