Receving Milos Translation for Isopanishad

A letter from Bhakta Milos from Slovakia :


Hare Krishna dear Purujit prabhu maharaja!


Please kindly accept my fallen obeisance’s at your lotus feet!

All glories to our dear most swanlike Spiritual Master Om Vishnupada Paramahamsa Pari vrajakacharya 108 Srimad A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Maharaja – the saviour of the whole world!

My dear prabhu ,with great joy and delight I’m sending you this volume of the first original Prabhupada’s book in Slovak language.  That was also the first book you gave me at my modest home in Slavoska in 2009, when there were still onions on my table and ganja loaded in my chillum...

So you came from a distance place just for a few moments to bless this useless soul with kirtan and prasadam and now you hold in your hand the transcendental fruit of that seemingly insignificant journey. With great help Bjorn prabhu, we have printed  this symbolic small run. Its a little transcendental hoax, cuz it says there, there are only  3 volumes, but actually, there are six. Nevertheless, because I’m a lazy useless fool, we didn’t manage to print some substantial amount of variety of books, but this one print is just to show Srila Prabhupada on the most auspicious day of his Divine appearance, that things are going on although slowly and slightly due to my great incompetence as it was a little rush also, i already find some details to be repaired and rectified in the book, and ill shall see to that, that the official printing will be pakka.

Beside that here everything goes on in its way, my every day struggle is to gain that courage and faith to jump and dive and deep into the ocean of surrender, which is a little hard for me. On the other hand , I strongly feel in my heart, that the time is definitely here and that there is no other way for me to act then to leave my present condition, in which i have done what was needed and begin a new chapter of my life. With your blessing i believe i shall be able to take that step. I’m going to Istanbul for the Janmastami and Vyasa Puja to join Balarama Prabhu there and offer this little book, which is so far my greatest success in life to the lotus feet of Srilla Prabhupada. If you like, and i think it would be very nice, you can also offer it in Montreal because it is also, and mainly your credit, that it exists. You came to give me Prabhupada, you engaged me in that service of translating, you have cultivated me, you eradicated many of my misconceptions and doubts, you have cultivated Bjorn Prabhu, so all the glory comes to you directly or indirectly. I hope this will find you in a happy mood, healthy and all ecstatic in the transcendental loving service of Lord Sri Krisna and his pure devote Srila Prabhupada and I beg to remain eternally your insignificant servant


Jaya Srila Prabhupada ! Hare Krishna!

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