So the whole substance is creamed. You should take advantage of this. And don't indulge in much unnecessary talks. Time should be very properly utilized.
Āyuṣaḥ kṣaṇa eko 'pi na labhyaḥ svarṇa-koṭibhiḥ. Value of time is so great that one moment of your life lost, it cannot be returned even in
exchange of millions of dollars. Therefore every moment should be properly utilized.
Avyarthakālatvam [Cc.
Madhya 23.18-19]
. When one is advanced
Kṛṣṇa consciousness his business becomes to see, "Whether I am wasting my time?" That is
one of the sign of advanced devotee.
Avyarthakālatvam. Nāma-gāne sadā ruci [Cc.
Madhya 23.32]
. Attachment for chanting
Prītis tad-vasati sthale: [Cc.
Madhya 23.18-19] and attraction or attachment for
living in the temple,
Kṛṣṇa lives.
Kṛṣṇa lives everywhere, but
specifically, to give us chance to meet, He lives in the temple or in places like
prītis tad-vasati sthale. One should be enhanced in
attachment for living where
Kṛṣṇa is living.
Prītis tad... Nāma-gāne sadā ruci [Cc.
Madhya 23.32]
. And taste for singing
always the holy name. These are development.
Ādau śraddhā tataḥ sādhu-saṅgaḥ [Cc.
. All of you who come here, it is out of
śraddhā, some, what is called... What is the exact English word for
śraddhā? Devotion, you can take. Devotion. Those who come here, their first principle is they have some regard
that "This
Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is nice. Let me see." So this is the
Ādau śraddhā. And then
sādhu-saṅgaḥ: then
associate with these devotees. Then, after some time, when he's little advanced more, then he is eager to become initiated. This is third stage, as some of these students are going to be
initiated today. The initiation means
bhajana-kriyā. Actually executing devotional service: initiation. And if one actually executes devotional service, then
anartha-nivṛttiḥ syāt, then all nonsense habits will
disappear. Then I'll not have to stress on the point these four regulative principles. Automatically it will go away. That is the test. How one has properly utilized his initiation will be tested
that he has no more attraction for these four principles: illicit sex, intoxication, gambling, and meat-eating. They will automatically go. There is no need of asking.
Anartha-nivṛttiḥsyāt. Then
ruci. When one is freed from all these prohibitive principles, then he develops a taste,
tatoruci. Tato niṣṭhā: then he's steadily confirmed.
Athāsaktiḥ. Then attachment: he cannot go. He cannot go.
tato bhāvaḥ. Then ecstasy. And then he comes to the platform of love of Godhead. So when
that platform is reached, then everything is successful. And if that platform is not reached, then everything is simply waste of time. But in the beginning, if you follow these principles, as
laid down by Śrīla
Rūpa Gosvāmī and other
So these things, one after another, everything is very clearly explained in this Nectar of Devotion. So each chapter you should read very carefully. And if you cannot
understand, read it repeatedly. Don't all of a sudden, reading one or two page, immediately question, "Prabhupāda, what is this? What is this? What is this?" Go on reading, and the answers will
automatically come. So this book is, this valuable book is now published. You should take full advantage.
Write a comment
Jessica zanello (Tuesday, 04 February 2014 11:08)
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!