The Special Love
Festival Program starts at 5:00Pm This
Philosophy , Chanting & Dancing
In the mean time here is beautiful quote from Śrīla Sanātana Gosvāmī, who forbids us to sing
any song not sung by authorized devotees :
pūtaṁ hari-kathāmṛtam
śravaṇaṁ naiva kartavyaṁ
sarpocchiṣṭaṁ yathā payaḥ
"One should not hear anything about Kṛṣṇa from a non-Vaiṣṇava. Milk touched by the lips of a serpent has poisonous effects; similarly, talks about Kṛṣṇa given by a non-Vaiṣṇava are also poisonous."
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