HareKrishna Haribol!
This Saturday is a very special event in out center.
The Divine Appearance Day of Sri Balaram , who is The Brother of The Supreme Personal Of GodHead Sri Krishna and as Sheshanak holds unlimited universes on His transcendental hoods.
The Same Event is the Last Love Feast Party in our ashram on L’Acadie.
So please attend, bring your friends and family and wish us good luck in spreading this wonderful culture ! Haribol!
Jaya Srila Prabhupada !
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jitu (Monday, 28 September 2015 21:33)
Srila Prabhupada, it is only through you that we can see the truth and it is only through you that we can speak the truth. After having received this treasured bhakti-latta from you, kindly engage us in spreading it around so others will also have the chance getting out of this eternally miserable material existence.