Gaura Purnima Festival This Sunday!!!

This Sunday 12th of Marrch at 4.00pm, we will hold the most auspicious festival GAURA PURNIMA, the appearance day of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Lord Caitanya is the most merciful incarnation of Lord Krsna, flooding the world with ecstatic harinama-sankirtana. On this wonderful occassion, we will hold an initiating ceremony for Ramachandra Prabhu, who will receive his sacred thread and the Gayatri mantra. The initiation will be performed by the officiating acarya of the Bhaktivedanta Lives In Sound Society Purujit Dasa. Please free to join the wonderful chantings, bhajanas, readings, discussions and sumpteous vegetarian love feast(prasadam). The program will end 9.00pm. Voluntary donations welcome! HARE KRSNA

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