Quote from a Class by Srila Prabhupada Foolish people, they do not know what, how much important this human form of life. They are simply wasting in sense gratification like animals. So this is very instructing, that he is training his mind that "You engage your mind in the worship of Lord KRNSA." Durlabha mänava-janama sat-saìge. And this training of the mind is possible only in good association, sat-saìga. Sat-saìga means persons who are simply, cent percent, engaged in the service of the Lord. They are called sat. Satäà prasaìgät. Without association of devotees, it is impossible to train the mind. It is not possible by the so-called yoga system or meditation. One has to associate with devotees; otherwise it is not possible. Therefore we have formed this KRSNA consciousness society so that one may take advantage of this association.