



Decorate Krishna , Decorate Your Heart

By Ramachandra Dasa

What is real Beauty ? Everyone is searching for it but once we check under the 3mm skin or Kashmir carpet we might find only bones, dust, blood , parasites , germs and much more.

So why then are we attracted so much to those futures if underneath them there is so much obnoxious contact?

Actually we not attracted to what we see, smell but to what it resembles in our consciousness.

“The living entity in the material world carries his different conceptions of life from one body to another as the air carries aromas. Thus he takes one kind of body and again quits it to take another.” BG15.8

Any action we choose to preform, starts either from some hankering or lamentations. We wish to have something, or get disappointed later form the very same thing. In fact we are not satisfied from any of those action , and since their are on the material platform we have to accept the side effect of the material world :”hankering and lamentations”.

“The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind.”


Just like the baby, who is distressed and crying for his mother will not be pacified unless his mother will put him on her lap and feed him. So are we, been fragmental part and parcel of Krishna or God cant reach that tranquillity unless we make this last change and jump to His Abode, The Spiritual World.

Because we actually dont belong here, we only roaming here just like some middle-evil vagabonds changing one costume to another. Today I'm a hippe , and when its out of fashion i will become a straight edge , once that is already boring i will change my gender... actually we cant stop.

Why would we ? Unless we find who we truly are we will continue running from one dressing room to the other.

But the Turth is very simple, so simple that most of us miss it . We are eternal fragmental parts and parcel of God , Krishna. And when you take care of that prime business everything is arranged nicely. Just like when you Pay you Hydro(electricity) Bill on time you can do some many thing, cook, take a warm shower and etc. You dont need to tax your brain how the Chpati will puff and how unfortunate you are to take a cold shower in December. No , everything is already arranged simply beacsue you took care of this one bill.

So you pay the top most bill, Give all your Love to Krishna. And that love is practical, its not just some cliche “I Love you ” but when its the time for expression “My love is beyond words, beyond acts, beyond anything” no, not like. Relationship means you do something for your beloved. Dress for Him, Cook for Him, Dance for Him, Sing for Him. If we tax so much our little brain over how to so called love an obnoxious bag of stool and urine , then how much we need to tax our brain over how to Love God? So that's a whole science, which is called Krishna Consciousness. And once you get a hold of that knowledge you turn to a be blissful shining spark of Krishna Consciousness.

Actually We already are .

nitya-siddha kåñëa-prema ‘sädhya’ kabhu naya

çravaëädi-çuddha-citte karaye udaya

Pure love for Kåñëa is eternally established in the hearts of the living entities. It is not something to be gained from another source. When the heart is purified by hearing and chanting, this love naturally awakens.[Cc. Madhya 22.107].

And if everywhere we go we simple look for that connection, where is Krishna, where is Krishna. He is there, everywhere, trying to remind us how to increase that relationship ship with him . you just need to turn that switch in your consciousness so you can hear him, talk to him, feed him and decorate him.







Importance of Devotee Association By Ramachandra Dasa

We all have to make some decisions. At least we need to decide what our next meal is going to consist of. A lot of times, however, we are in great lack of information about important details in regards to our eatables. We might purchase something in our local grocery store and think “Oh, what a nice pack of raisins I got here. The package is in my favorite color scheme, there is a smart zipper to keep the product fresh and even the price makes sense. But as soon as we check the ingredients (if we are smart enough) we will notice that beside raisins, the product contains all kinds of different rubbish which have nothing to do with what I was interested in purchasing. In my case, recently instead of a nice pack of golden raisins, I got egg, fish shells, raisins mix trail combo. For some of you I'm sure it must be very funny. Who could be possibly concerned about such an insignificant so-called problem and the proof is right there, right on the shelf. This particular item is available at this particular store because there must be someone else who, as opposed to me, is actually interested in a fish shells raisins combo. Perhaps someone in this particular moment might be actually looking for this delicious mix in his own local grocery store but has a hard time finding it, because for some reason this particular company couldn’t think of giving a more suitable name for their product to fully express its ingredients.


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