Hare Krsna, dear friends. Narashingha Caturdasi, the divine appearance of Lord Narashingha deva will take place on the 9th of May 2017 at 5pm. Program is simple yet extatic: Kirtan, class and prasadam for everyone! Please don't miss this wonderful event.
We invite all of our friends and supporters to celebrate The Divine Appearance Day of
Lord Sri Ramachandra
The Festival will be held in the Hare Krishna Center Montreal on wednesday, April 5TH 5Pm.
Bring Flowers for Lord Ramachandra !
This Sunday 12th of Marrch at 4.00pm, we will hold the most auspicious festival GAURA PURNIMA, the appearance day of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Lord Caitanya is the most merciful incarnation of Lord Krsna, flooding the world with ecstatic harinama-sankirtana. On this wonderful occassion, we will hold an initiating ceremony for Ramachandra Prabhu, who will receive his sacred thread and the Gayatri mantra. The initiation will be performed by the officiating acarya of the Bhaktivedanta Lives In Sound Society Purujit Dasa. Please free to join the wonderful chantings, bhajanas, readings, discussions and sumpteous vegetarian love feast(prasadam). The program will end 9.00pm. Voluntary donations welcome! HARE KRSNA
Hare Krsna, dear friends and secret lovers of krsna!another blissful festival coming up. this Friday 10am let's get together and chant ourselves out of our bodies and back and forth and back and forth for lord advaita! Lord Sri Advaita Acarya is the transcendental associate of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who comes to spread the sankirtana(chanting Hare Krsna) movement all around the world. Do not delay and stop by for beats n' sweets type of evening at Rue Birnam 7070 Hare Krsna center Montreal. it's gonna be Great Again!
We will be celebrating the divine disappearance day of our spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada .
Thursday, November 3rd 6PM At our center .
Sri Govardhana Puja Festival !
This Monday the one and only Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna will appear and perform one of His transcendental activities proving once again that He is indeed the Supreme Person.
Sri Krishna will exhibit His opulence of strength and lift Sri Govardhana Hill using nothing but his tiny left finger tip(pinky). He is inviting all His dear devotees and associates to join in a special dancing feasting chanting party under the Govardhana Hill (which by the way will be made out of sweets!) …
Please come at 5pm to the Hare Krsna Center on Monday 31st of October. It`s 1 min walk from metro Acadie – 7070 Rue Birnam (the front door will be open for all the good people)
Please bring with you brown sugar, fruits, milk and excellent mood!
Haribol! Chant and stay high forever!
Dear devotees, well-wishers and friends of the Hare Krsna Center Montreal!
Please accept my most humble obeisances at your lotus feet
All glories to the most beautiful acarya of all acaryas His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!
The month of Karttika is getting more and more ecstatic and with so many of you taking up the process of japa and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and visiting the temple on daily basis, we would like to invite you to take even more active part and kindly help us to organize the most ecstatic celebration of the Govardhana Puja festival for the pleasure of our beloved most enchanting and loveable Lord Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
First of all, we should understand the seriousness of this celebration. Although certainly a very happy and jovial transcendental party where devotees can meet and serve together, every transcendental festival mentioned in the Bhaktivedanta Lives In Sound Society Vaisnava Calendar published on our website, is also an opportunity to please the Lord and acquire His special mercy. For any aspiring devotee, it is essential to take part in celebrating the Lord’s different festivals throughout the year. In fact, it is not only essential but some of the Vedic scriptures give a hint that failing to do so is actually an offense to the Lord. In the supplementary Vedic literature, there is a mention of a list of 32 offenses in the matter of serving the Lord. Number two offense is stated as follows: One should not fail to observe the various festivals for the pleasure of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, such as Janmastami, Ratha-yatra, etc. Srila Prabhupada quotes this in his Nectar of devotion in Ch.8. A sincere devotee will carefully take note of this. In fact, anyone with just a little sincerity and an open mind must feel what we all feel when associating with like-minded devotees and glorifying the Lord together- the feeling of home, security and non-judgmental, freedom-based, open-minded atmosphere. So it is not a question of force, but a spontaneous outburst of natural desire to take part in such festivity. But for those who feel weak and overwhelmed by the strong force of the material energy, Lord Krsna gives a stern warning and that especially in regards to the celebration of the Govardhana Puja, in the 10th Canto, 24th chapter of the Srimad Bhagavatam:
eso 'vajanato martyan
kama-rupi vanaukasah
hanti hy asmai namasyamah
sarmane atmano gavam
(Bhag. 10.24.37)
"One who neglects the worship of Govardhana-puja, as I am personally conducting it, will not be happy. There are many snakes on Govardhana Hill, and persons neglecting the prescribed duty of Govardhana-puja will be bitten by these snakes and killed. In order to assure the good fortune of the cows and themselves, all people of Vrndavana near Govardhana must worship the hill, as prescribed by Me."
As you might know already every temple of Srila Prabhupada whether big or small is a direct expansion of the city of Vrndavana and as such it is duty of all the people of Montreal and also Vinodol in Slovakia to come and help us to celebrate the Lord on this auspicious day of Govardhana Puja. At least those who have a little faith and do not take Lord Krsna as an imaginary or mythological figure should take these statements of the Vedic literatures very seriously and come and take part.
In case you belong to such a group of faithful lovers of Krsna and are indeed awaiting the Govardhana Puja with great eagerness, Lord Krsna in the very same literature gives direct instructions on how to perform this festival. He says:
pacyantam vividhah pakah
supantah payasadayah
sarva-dohas ca grhyatam
huyantam agnayah samyag
brahmanair brahma-vadibhih
annam bahu-gunam tebhyo
deyam vo dhenu-daksinah
anyebhyas casva-candala-
patitebhyo yatharhatah
yavasam ca gavam dattva
giraye diyatam balih
SB 10.24.26-28
"Prepare very nice foods of all descriptions from the grain and ghee collected for the yajna. Prepare rice, dal, then halava, pakora, puri and all kinds of milk preparations, such as sweet rice, rabri, sweetballs, sandesa, rasagulla and laddu, and invite the learned brahmanas who can chant the Vedic hymns and offer oblations to the fire. The brahmanas should be given all kinds of grain in charity. Then decorate all the cows and feed them well. After performing this, give money in charity to the brahmanas. As far as the lower animals are concerned, such as the dogs, and the lower grades of people, such as the candalas, or the fifth class of men, who are considered untouchable, they also may be given sumptuous prasadam. After nice grasses have been given to the cows, the sacrifice known as Govardhana-puja may immediately begin. This sacrifice will very much satisfy Me."
(KB 24: Worshiping Govardhana Hill)
Here’s further instruction from His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the top most acarya of recent times on how to celebrate the Govardhana Puja and we shall take inspiration from these invaluable instructions:
Prabhupada: Vegetarian food is very nice. We can give you vegetable menu, three hundred items at least.
Dai Nippon representative: Three hundred?
Prabhupada: Three hundred. Simply grains, fruits, and butter, that's all, and sugar. You give us these four items and we give you three hundred items. Yes. There is a ceremony in India, annakuta, Govardhana-puja. So in that ceremony, in each and every temple they prepare as many varieties as possible. Some of them prepare three thousand.
Dai Nippon representative: Three thousand.
Prabhupada: Yes. For weeks they prepare. And the competition is the more items the temple prepares, he becomes... [break] And distribution, prasada distribution, free of charges. It was a very nice system that nobody should remain hungry. That is the system. If there is any temple in any neighborhood, in that neighborhood nobody should remain hungry.
Conversation with Dai Nippon -- April 22, 1972, Tokyo
This Dipabali function can be observed on 21st October, and Prasad can be distributed on the 22nd October, during daytime, which is known as Govardhana Puja and Annakuta Ceremony. In India, in all Vaisnava temples, this ceremony is observed and 100's of people are given Prasad according to the capacity of the temple.
Letter to: Hansadutta -- Seattle 10 October, 1968
Yes, this Govardhana puja is a bona fide procedure, but such things cannot be held in your country. It requires good space to decorate the imitation hill of rice. So when we offer such hill of rice, there must be other things also -- a hill of capatis and other things. It is a huge affair. In India practically in all the Visnu temples this is observed and they spend huge amounts for this purpose and they distribute prasadam to thousands and everyone gathers to take even a little portion of it. If you can introduce this Govardhana puja, I have no objection, but it requires hard labor, good management and much money also. But the process is bona fide.
Letter to: Damodara -- Nairobi, Kenya 3 October, 1971
The effect of celebrating this festival is beyond our scope to understand as stated in the following quote:
From your report I can understand that you are very enthusiastic. I like also your idea of celebrating Govardhana puja. This should be our programme to attract the general mass of people. If we go on preaching vigorously as we have been for another 25 year then all these other so called religions will disappear. After all what do they have to offer. In the Christian religion all we see is Christ's picture as he was crucified, so how people can be attracted to such thing? There is no science, philosophy, music, art, Prasadam, it is no wonder that the people are rejecting this nonsense. Not that Christ himself was nonsense, but those who are preaching in his name they are nonsense because they do not follow even the simplest of his orders. "Thou shalt not Kill.'' I have met with so many Christians and when I ask them why Christians are killing they cannot answer. The first principle of spiritual life is non violence. They will say Killing in this matter means actually Murder, but accepting even this argument, it means that the society in which Christ was preaching were composed of Murderers, so what kind of men they were, and practically we see it is a fact that because they murdered Lord Jesus Christ. At any rate there is nothing in the world thAT CAN COMPARE WITH our Movement of Chanting and dancing. So Chant dance and when you get tired take Prasadm, this is our actual solid preaching work all over the world.
Letter to: Bhakta dasa -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 3 August, 1973
Therefore please do not delay and contact us immediately if you want to take part in the celebration and also organization of this festival and I promise you lots of realization and advancement in your Krsna consciousness by engaging in practical devotional service for the pleasure of the Lord in the association of devotees. These are the possible ways how to help(please do not hesitate to come up with new ideas!):
donations of cooking ingredients such as rice, dhal, ghee, butter, sugar, vegetables, milk, flour, semolina, fruits, flowers for Lord Caitanya alter, etc.
donations in cash
helping out with propagation of the festival in the streets of Montreal(printing flyers, hanging posters, advertising on FB or other internet websites
helping out in the kitchen on Monday
helping out with temple decorations
helping out with cleaning, pot washing etc
helping out with shopping for the ingredients.
inviting friends and family members to take part in the festival
You can reach us either by email, by phone or you can talk to us in person during your visits in the Center. All the organization must be clarified before Sunday the 30th of October.
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ATTEND THE UPCOMING SATURDAY LOVE FEAST where we can all together discuss and organize who will do what.
The festival will take place on Monday 31st of October 2016 at the 7070 Birnam Hare Krsna Center Montreal and starts at 5.00pm. See you soon!
Your servant Purujit dasa
Just to sum it up:
EVENING PROGRAM: every day 6.00pm Gaura Aratika, Kirtan, Class, Offering of Lights, Small Prasadam
SANKIRTANA IN METRO:every day different times and different locations, please call: 438 9371080 for more info
FESTIVALS: please check the website on when and what time the Govardhana Puja, Srila Prabhupada's Disapperance Day, Rasa Lila Day Festival etc take place PLEASE COME ANDLET"S HAVE THE TRANSCENDENTAL TIME OF OUR LIFETIMES!!!!
The devotees from the Hare Krsna Center Montreal are inaugurating the month of Karttika by sankirtanachanting in the metro Guy Concordia at 3.30pm today Sunday the 18th of October 2016. Please come and join LordCaitanya's sankirtana movement daily by chanting Hare Krsna Hare Krsna KrsnaKrsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare in the association ofdevotees for the benefit of all conditioned souls. Everyone is welcome regardless of race,gender, religious group, nationality, etc.
Another important function during the month of Karttika is to visit the temple of Krsna at least once a dayand offer Krsna a light. The Lord becomes very pleased to see a sincere effortto worship Him and bestows benediction of pure devotional service during thismonth if the offering is done with sincerity. Please do not miss a single dayand visit the Hare Krsna Center Montreal, which is a unique place where the bona spiritual master is respected with full awe and reverence and see the effect of how your Krsna consciousness florishes. Srila Prabhupada says:
In Vrndavana we shallhave Urja-vrata for one month. You also could observe urja-vrata here from thenext Ekadasi, one month. I have already instructed Karandhara to have a skylamp and put candle in the evening to the Deity for one month. Each one, asmall candle should... Departure -- LosAngeles, October 5, 1972
He also describes:
It is stated in the Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya, "Persons who are impelled by pure devotionalservice in Krsna consciousness and who therefore go to see the Deities of Visnuin the temple will surely get relief from entering again into the prison houseof a mother's womb." The conditioned soul forgets the trouble of livingwithin the mother's womb during birth, but it is a very painful and terribleexperience. In order to make an escape from this material condition, one isadvised to visit a temple of Visnu with devotional consciousness. Then one canvery easily get out of the miserable condition of material birth.
(NOD Going to the Temple of Visnu or to Places of Pilgrimage)
by Purujit Dasa
The month of Karttika also known as Urja vrata begins today on Sunday the 16th of October and willlast until the Rasa-Lila Day on the next full moon night. This month isespecially ausicious for those who want to get their devotional desires to befulfilled and any devotional service you might execute during this month isbelieved to be extraordinarily effective. Devotees of Krsna therefore makedifferent vows which they faithfully execute during this month. For example onemakes a vow to chant some extra rounds on the japa-mala, do some extra servicefor the temple of Krsna, read an extra chapter of the Bhagavad-gita etc. Thereis no restriction on what vows one should take as long as the service is doneunder the guidance of the bona fide spiritual master. The main point is toincrease our meditation on the Lord and elevate our consciousness more andmore. No devotee thinks he's perfect and any sincere devotee naturally takesadvantage of this auspicious month. Srila Prabhupada explains:
Lord Sri Krishna's transcendental Birthday Party will take place on the 25th of August , Thursday.
The Annual celebration will start at 6Pm at the Hare Krishna Center Montreal.
Guests, conguration members, close friends and off course the devotees of the Lord are welcome to come and participate in this wonderful celebration.
The very next day we will be celebrating the most auspicious event - The Appearance Day Of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada - 26th of August Friday 10am
Devotees, friends and anyone who appreciates the mission of His Divine Grace is wellcome to attend and prepare a short speech in glorification of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada
On the 18th of August Thursday:
The Bhaktivedanta Lives in Sound Society invites you for the most auspicious ceremony of brahminical initiations, conducted on behalf of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada by His Grace Purujit dasa, the officiating acarya (rtvik) of B.L.I.S.S. Ramacandra dasa and Makhancora dasa will receive their Gayatri mantras and sacred threads as a confirmation of their dedication to the mission of Srila Prabhupada to preach the Holy Name of Lord Sri Krsna around the world. This ceremony will be observed for the first time since 1977 in Montreal, on the festival day of Sri Balarama Purnima, the divine appearance day of Lord Balarama, the elder brother of Lord Sri Krsna. Awaiting you are ecstatic chanting, dancing, hearing, abhisek (ceremonial bathing) of Deity of Srila Prabhupada, delicious prasadam (sanctified food) feast and blissful harinam downtown Montreal for the benefit of all who see and hear it. Please don’t miss this golden opportunity to witness a bona-fide Vedic ceremony and experience the sublime taste of Krsna Consciousness.
9.00 – 10.00 lecture and fire sacrifice
10.00 – 11.00 abhisek and Guru-puja
11.00 – 12.00 lecture on Sri Balarama’s appearance
12.00 prasadam
14.00 harinam
18.00 back in the temple: kirtan, reading of Krsna book and more prasadam
This Tuesday on the 5th of July 2016 we will hold an ecstatic evening with readings from the Sri Caitanya Caritamrta about the wonderful pastime of cleansing the Gundica Temple by Lord Caitanya and His associates. Along with this we are happy to announce a transcendental visit of His Grace Makhancora Prabhu and associates, who will stay in Montreal temple for a few weeks and will bless us with his lectures, kirtans and over all blissful sanga. Do not miss the golden opportunity to meet Makhancora Prabhu and please come and join us in giving him a warm welcome in Canada! SIMULTANEOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF DIRT FROM THE TEMPLE AND OUR HEARTS AND APPEARANCE OF MAKHANCORA PRABHU. HARIIIBOL!
We invite all of our friends and supporters
to mark the Disappearance Day of
Jayananda Thakur Prabhu
The Festival will be held in the Hare Krishna Center Montreal on Sunday, May 1st at 6PM.
Join us for a Harinam at
Guy-Concordia Metro 3:30pm
On this day Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the last incarnation of Lord Sri Krishna, appeared 500 years ago to deliver the most fallen people of the age of Kali, the age of quarrel and hypocrisy. In the Vedas it is described that in this age the production of vegetables and fruits is less than before. As such, all living beings, both men and animals, do not have sumptuous, nourishing food. Due to want of so many necessities of life, naturally the duration of life is reduced, the memory is short, intelligence is meager, mutual dealings are full of hypocrisy and so on. Additionally almost anyone who seeks for bonafide spiritual practice is cheated and coming to the platform of self-realization seems to be impossible. Therefore, the Lord appeared in His most munificent form as Lord Krishna Chaitanya to deliver the suffering conditioned souls by the simple and sublime process of Sankirtan Yajna – Congregational Chanting of The Holy Names of Krishna, The Supreme Personality Of Godhead and sumptuous distribution of Prasadam – foodstuff which is offered first to the Lord, sanctified by him and thus is free from any material reaction. Anyone who participates in such process, regardless of colour, cast, creed, nationality, gender, religion, beliefs or even type of material body whether it’s a human, demigod, dog, cat or a raccoon is automatically advancing towards the highest goal of life.
This process isn’t concocted but is approved by the Vedic authority. In The Brihad Naradiya Puranam it is said that in the Kali Yuga (the present Yuga or Age), when people in general are short-living, slow in spiritual realization, and always disturbed by various anxieties, the best means of spiritual realization is to chant the holy Name of the Lord. "In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy the only means of deliverance is to chant the holy Name of the Lord. There is no other way to success."
We meet at the temple at 12pm and from there we’ll all go and chant throughout the streets the sweet holy name of Krsna. Bring lots of energy to sing, chant and dance in ecstasy! After the sankirtan, devotees will return to the temple and the Gaura Purnima festival will continue by reading from Srila Prabhupada’s books about the blissful pastime of Lord Caitanya, more chanting and dancing and of course prasadam at the end! Please drop by, we will be going on celebrating up until 8.00pm. Everyone is welcome!
This Saturday 20th of February 2016
We will be celebrating auspicious appearance day of Sri Nityananada Prabhu who is the most merciful associate of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Himself !
We start at 5pm. Kirtan , Dancing , Philosophy & Spiritual vegetarian Feast will be offered to the Lord and his part and parcels.
Please come and bring friends or fruits!
The celebration of the Divine appearance of Srimati Radharani
the Divine consort of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna.
September 21st , MONDAY at 6pm.
Please come and join us for the auspicious Vyasa Puja ceremomy in honor of our spiritual master His Divine Grace Srila A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on September 6th at our new temple location in 7070 Birnam Street starting on 10 am!
One day in a year, on the day of the birthday of the spiritual master, Vyasa Puja is held. It is called Vyasa Puja because the spiritual master represents Srila Vyasadeva. Vyasadeva is the
original acarya. To worship the bona fide spiritual master and worship the Lord, they are the same. Lord Krsna says that it is better to worship the bona fide spiritual master than to worship Him
directly. Actually we cannot directly approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we have to go through the acarya. The bona fide spiritual master is offered the same respect as God, because He
is the representative of God: Saksad dharitvena smasta sastrair. The spiritual master comes in direct line of disciplic succession from God and He speaks only God's words without adulteration
Therefore on this day of Vyasa Puja we give all respects to the bona fide spiritual master who saves us from this calamities of material bondage. He delivers the respect we are giving to the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, being His most confidential servant. By giving our respect to the spiritual master we learn how to properly respect the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri
On this day devotees write an homage, an offering to the spiritual master, praising His qualities and writing about their realizations of the relationship to him and their understanding of Krsna
Please come and join us for this treasured festival which sumptuous prasadam!
Come and join us for the Temple Opening and Sri Krsna Janmastami Celebration on September 6th 2015 at 5 pm our new temple location at 7070 Birnam Street, just 2 minutes walk from Acadie metro!
There will be kirtan, discussion on the pastimes of Sri Krsna and a sumptuous vegetarian feast. Everyone is invited to celebrate
the next phase of our preaching efforts here in Montreal!
Lord Krsna says:
“One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.”
Bhagavad Gita As It Is 4.9
So what is that transcendental nature of Sri Krsna’s appearance?
Why does Lord Krsna descent to mrtyu-loka, the planet of death, old age, disease and birth?
Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His appearance is completely on the spiritual platform. Out of His causeless mercy He descends as soon as there is some discrepancy in understanding
of eternal life. Lord Krsna comes in order to teach real religion.
yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam srjamy aham
(BG 4.7)
Lord Sri Krsna appeared on this day of Janmastami on this planet in this universe. And immediately after He appeared in another universe. Therefore Krsna’s pastimes are called Nitya Lila, eternal
pastimes. They go on continuously without stoppage.
So Lord Krsna is coming to remind us: why are you rotting in this material world? There is the real world, the spiritual world waiting upon us where we can have direct personal association of the
We are running here after a little material pleasure in form of family, society, friendship, love. We trying to squeeze out some happiness, chewing the chewed by engaging in illicit sex. But what
is that pleasure compared to the unlimited ocean of transcendental happiness Lord Krsna offers? The unending freedom, where no more birth, death, old age and disease is waiting upon us?
The Lord comes, He appears out of His causeless mercy to reclaim the fallen souls, to teach real religion. And this is something very practical. In the Bhagavad Gita Sri Krsna tells us exactly
how we can come to Him:
We have to surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead in devotion. And Krsna is promising His protection unto such a surrendered soul: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja aham
tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah Bhagavad Gita As It Is 18.66
So this day of Janmastami is an excellent opportunity to hear about the transcendental appearance of the Lord to mother Devaki and Vasudeva, hear His pastimes in the association of devotees and
chant His holy names.
Sri Krsna Janmastami ki jaya!
See you on Sunday at Birnam Street at 5 pm!
HareKrishna Haribol!
This Saturday is a very special event in out center.
The Divine Appearance Day of Sri Balaram , who is The Brother of The Supreme Personal Of GodHead Sri Krishna and as Sheshanak holds unlimited universes on His transcendental hoods.
The Same Event is the Last Love Feast Party in our ashram on L’Acadie.
So please attend, bring your friends and family and wish us good luck in spreading this wonderful culture ! Haribol!
Jaya Srila Prabhupada !
The Special Love
Festival Program starts at 5:00Pm This
Philosophy , Chanting & Dancing
In the mean time here is beautiful quote from Śrīla Sanātana Gosvāmī, who forbids us to sing
any song not sung by authorized devotees :
pūtaṁ hari-kathāmṛtam
śravaṇaṁ naiva kartavyaṁ
sarpocchiṣṭaṁ yathā payaḥ
"One should not hear anything about Kṛṣṇa from a non-Vaiṣṇava. Milk touched by the lips of a serpent has poisonous effects; similarly, talks about Kṛṣṇa given by a non-Vaiṣṇava are also poisonous."
His Grace
Purujit Prabhu , The Leader of our society "Bliss" - The Bhaktivedanta Lives In Sound Society
chanting preaching in Austria , Europe !
Enter the Post to see the Videos.
We invite you all to thise ecstatic festival for some Transdental Chanting , Dancing , Philosophizing and Feast delicious vegetarian spiritual food stuf from The One and Only ,Lord Krishna Him Self!
9th Of May ,Hare Krishna Center MOntreal Saturday 5pm
卐,Chant Hare Krishna and Stay ecstatic ! 卐,
Come And join us this Sunday 10am!
Chanting Dancing and Feasting !
-allgood people are wellcome -
BLV L'Acadie 8045 Montreal
Lord Varahadeva Appearance day This Saturday !
Auspicious Love feast
Come and Chant with us!
HareKrishna everyone!
So spontaneously we deceived to make a special feastival for Lord Jesus christ.
Our Divine Spiritual Master A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada says alot :” Lord Jesus Chirst is the best son of God...”
so why not to celebrate his transcendental appearance day with some nice Chanting, dancing and feast for His Father, Lord Krishna , God.
We will be hold it in the center on Friday the 26th. At 5:30 pm. Come on time !
Purjit Prabhu will prepare special quotes from our spiritual master about Lord Jesus Christ
and right after that special spiritual food stuff !
Come come come!
This Wednesday 10th December , 11am we will be celebrating the disapearance day of our grand-spiritual master .
will be glad to see you all chanting and dancing in ecstatic mood !
Please join us this Thursday 6th of November 2014 at 6.00pm to celebrate the divine pastime of Lord Krsna's Rasa Dance. The program will consist of mahamantra meditation, discussion on the Srimad Bhagavatam and vegetarian feast. Entrance is free.
"This specific pastimes of the Lord was a special significance because anyone who will properly learn about this particular pastime of the Lord would certainly be dissuaded from the mundane sex desire and be placed on the path of sublime devotional loving service of the Lord. "
SB 1.18.31
Hare Krsna, dear friends!
We would like to invite you to celebrate the Divine Disapperance Day of our dearmost spiritual master His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder-acarya of the worldwide Hare Krsna movement. Chanting Hare Krsna, reading about His divine pastimes and a delicious feast will be served at 10.00 AM in the Hare Krsna Center Montreal this Monday 27th of October 2014. Please do not miss this wonderful transcendental event!
To take the passing away of a devotee and the passing away of a nondevotee as one and the same is completely misleading. While ascending the transcendental airplane, Dhruva Maharaja suddenly saw death personified before him, but he was not afraid. Instead of death's giving him trouble, Dhruva Maharaja took advantage of death's presence and put his feet on the head of death. People with a poor fund of knowledge do not know the difference between the death of a devotee and the death of a nondevotee. In this connection, an example can be given: a cat carries its kittens in its mouth, and it also catches a rat in its mouth. Superficially, the catching of the rat and the kitten appear to be one and the same, but actually they are not. When the cat catches the rat in its mouth it means death for the rat, whereas when the cat catches the kitten, the kitten enjoys it. When Dhruva Maharaja boarded the airplane, he took advantage of the arrival of death personified, who came to offer him obeisances; putting his feet on the head of death, he got up on the unique airplane, which is described here to be as big as a house (grham).
sb 4.12.30
Hare Krsna, dear friends
We would like to invite you to the transcendental festival for all the good souls out there in the cosmic space and beyond entitled the Disappearance of Gadhadara Pandita and His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. It is also the 3d anniversary for our tiny little awesome Hare Krsna Center Montreal so we`ll party Krsna style all night long!!! Come and hear about these great devotees of Krsna and their teachings, chant, dance and feast on some wonderful vegetarian wonderfulness offered to Krsna beforehand. The festival is free and will take place in our temple on 8045 boulevard De L'acadie THIS FRIDAY 27th of JUNE 2014 at 6PM!!! Please call if you need more information: 438 937 1080. HARE KRSNA!
hare krsna, dear friends!
everyone is invited to the most wonderful and ecstatic celebration RAMA NAVAMI, the appearance day of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the form of Lord Ramacandra, or shortly Lord Rama. The transcendental party full of kirtan, readings, discussions on the pastimes of Lord Rama and a nice prasadam feast will take place on the 8TH OF APRIL 2014 at 4PM. Do not miss out on this, ok? Because it's going to be simply awesome. HARE KRSNA!!!
On this Thursday(6pm) we going to celebrate a
very auspicious event. The Appearance of the Lord Advaita! Haribol ..!
Come and join us in that aswome evening in some
Ecstatic Chanting Dancing and Feasting !
All the good people are welcome
See you in out Center
Hare Krishna HAre
Krishna Krishna Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare !!!
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MERRY KRISHNAS Stop by this wednesday at 6pm for a mini-Merry Krishnas party with kirtan, discussion on our transcendental godbrother Lord Jesus and His connection to Krishna and a nice prasadam!!! (mango crumble ki jaya!) Address: 8045 Boulevard De L'Acadie. For more info please call: 438 937 1080
hare krsna, dear friends!
an awesome GOVARDHANA POOJA celebration is going to take place on the 4th of November MONDAY at 6.00pm in our center on 8045 Boulevard De L'Acadie. Ecstatic group chant, discussion on Lord Krsna's wonderful pastime of lifting the Govardhana Hill and a hill made of sweets will be served!! Don't miss out on all this fun!